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Category: Uncategorized

How Does A REAL Private Investigator Conduct an Investigation?

How Does A REAL Private Investigator Conduct an Investigation?

In the fictional world of television or novels, clients (usually beautiful blondes) seek out a private investigator (trench coat and fedora included) to help them find something that doesn’t fall within the bounds of the police’s jurisdiction. They may have already tried working with the police or may be afraid of them, so they turn Read More

Things to Consider Before Buying a Bullet Proof Vest by Derek Smith

Things to Consider Before Buying a Bullet Proof Vest by Derek Smith

When I was a federal agent, one of the most critical tools I had was my bulletproof vest. It was important because it could save my life. ou have probably seen police officers wearing vests. For them, they could wear a nice thick vest. For me, I had to wear mine under my clothing, and Read More

Pankration: Myth-Busting Edition

Pankration: Myth-Busting Edition

Pankration, or sometimes pancratium, the Ancient-Hellene version of 21st-century MMA is often touted (rightly) as a forerunner of a sport so many of us enjoy today. Careful studies of the past can allow us to glean wisdom, both tactical and strategical, to be applied to our own game in the present. Read More

5 Critical Tips For Close Quater Combat

5 Critical Tips For Close Quater Combat

When learning self-defense you learn a lot of techniques, weapons, and skills that make up the system you are studying. Of the many techniques you learn, which ones are really the most important for close quarter combat? If you’re serious about learning how to protect yourself using the techniques you learn, then you need to Read More

George Dawson and The Kidney Punch by Mark Hatmaker

George Dawson and The Kidney Punch by Mark Hatmaker

I include this now illegal tactic for a bit of historical delving. First things first — Do Not Fire Kidney Punches in the Sport. What happens in a self-defense or street application is a horse of another color. Firing shots to the kidneys has likely been a feature of armed and unarmed combat since man Read More

Special Agent Tips On How To Fight

Special Agent Tips On How To Fight

When I first joined the Navy, I was 17 years old and went to basic training at Great Lakes, IL I met a lot of new people from all over the country. One thing that surprised me was that I actually met people who had never been in a fight in their lives. That truly Read More