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Things to Consider Before Buying a Bullet Proof Vest by Derek Smith

When I was a federal agent, one of the most critical tools I had was my bulletproof vest. It was important because it could save my life. ou have probably seen police officers wearing vests. For them, they could wear a nice thick vest. For me, I had to wear mine under my clothing, and it had to be unnoticeable. This concerned me because I wanted to ensure my thinner vest could still protect me against most rounds.

I went through about four of these vests during my years as an agent. I was quite disappointed when I lost my last vest. I took it with me when I was call back to active duty with the Army Criminal Investigations Division where I performed protective services for Donald Rumsfeld, and I left it by mistake when I returned. That was in 2004. In this article, I want to give you some vital information about vests in case you are looking to purchase one.

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No one likes a traffic stop, Not even cops. Next, to domestic disputes, this is probably the most dangerous thing police officers do every day. Every traffic stop is potentially deadly for the police officer. It’s not just the danger of gunfire or sudden assault that police officers face… more get killed by passing traffic Read More

If one is serious about conflict and combat studies, it is instructive to open the examination to other species. Such studies allow us to see the myriad similarities in aggression, stand-down tactics, flight behavior, et cetera and allow them to inform our own game. We humans often get a bit “theory-blind” and fail to see Read More

You don’t have to be a special agent to know that the first rule of winning a gunfight is to never get shot. Why? Well, getting shot greatly reduces your chances of emerging victorious. One thing we DID learn as agents is that if you DO get shot, it is not the end, you must Read More

Today’s offering will start with a quote from American literature and a word or two as to what that might have to do with our own combat training, then proceed into the physiology of how your body reacts with ZERO training in the shadow of physical confrontation; we will ponder how those evolved reactions are Read More

We often watch the nightly news and see yet another public shooting where a bunch of people were killed or wounded when a person decided to shoot up a McDonalds, a movie theater or a concert and we think to ourselves: if someone had a concealed weapon permit and had been carrying, things would have Read More