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Rough & Tumble Spotlight: Fire-“Fighters” by Mark Hatmaker

Firefighting is a dangerous job — no doubt about it. Luckily, with the advent of better safety equipment and better and safer structure design, thankfully, the dangers of the job become less with each decade.

The undoubtedly dangerous job has benefited so much from such safety measures that it has not appeared on The Top Ten Most Dangerous Jobs list for decades.

That is a mighty good thing.

To be clear, firefighting IS dangerous, but statistically speaking we have made great gains here. If you are on the personal side of one of those statistics then no list in the world will change the perceived danger, nor should it, vigilance is key in all risky endeavors.

Let’s turn back the clock to early America when practically all dwellings were made of wood, patched with pitch, lit with open flames or rickety vessels of coal oil.

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I live in a really nice neighborhood, but four days ago my neighbor two doors away had 5 shots fired into his home. I was out walking my dog a few minutes before it happened. We have a private road next to my house with a small pond. This road leads to 3 of my Read More

Pankration, or sometimes pancratium, the Ancient-Hellene version of 21st-century MMA is often touted (rightly) as a forerunner of a sport so many of us enjoy today. Careful studies of the past can allow us to glean wisdom, both tactical and strategical, to be applied to our own game in the present.

As we weave our way through 2019 there are lots of things people are worrying about now: government shutdowns, terrorist attacks, natural disasters, concerns about the worsening economy, and worsening crime to name a few. This is a good opportunity for me to take a look at some practical urban survival techniques to stay safe Read More

As we so often do, let’s start with a quote: “Chance favors the trained mind.” – Louis Pasteur Oh, that’s a good one, one so worthy of repeating that we all have heard/encountered some version or variation of it in this or that business office or sundry Facebook status update. The truth of it is Read More

When learning self-defense you learn a lot of techniques, weapons, and skills that make up the system you are studying. Of the many techniques you learn, which ones are really the most important for close quarter combat? If you’re serious about learning how to protect yourself using the techniques you learn, then you need to Read More