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George Dawson and The Kidney Punch by Mark Hatmaker

I include this now illegal tactic for a bit of historical delving.

First things first — Do Not Fire Kidney Punches in the Sport.

What happens in a self-defense or street application is a horse of another color.

Firing shots to the kidneys has likely been a feature of armed and unarmed combat since man began walloping one another. Just when the name “kidney punch” became a separate idea in the early era of boxing is a bit unclear but legend ballparks it on an early lightweight champion of the bareknuckle era — one George Dawson.

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While I don’t want to teach you to do something that is illegal or would get you locked up, I want to make sure that if you find yourself in a life or death situation and need a car to escape, or if you have misplaced your keys you know how to get it started. Read More

Cards on the table, I am a card-carrying skeptic, well, former card-carrier. I allowed my actual membership in “The Skeptic’s Society” to lapse as, true to form, I am skeptical of organized groups, even those who hold many tenets that strike me true or true-ish. In my old age I’m more of a “love ya Read More

When learning self-defense, you learn a lot of techniques, weapons, and skills that make up the system you are studying. Of the many techniques you learn, which ones are really the most important for close quarter combat? If you’re serious about learning how to protect yourself using the techniques you learn, then you need to Read More

You wanna be a hero and help others facing a violent predator? Then run away. You and a friend are walking down a street and are suddenly confronted by a gun-wielding assailant, what do you do to help them? Wrestle the weapon from the attacker? Leap in front of your friend shielding them with your Read More

In my article “9 Special Agent Secrets for Street Survival” I described some places where you can scrounge up needed supplies if caught in a crisis situation. I promised that I would expand on each of the suggested places in this article that’s what I am going to do. If you are not a “prepper” Read More