Category: Knife Fighting
How to Survive a Knife Fight

How to Survive a Knife Fight
These are dangerous times. Almost anytime you are on social media or watching the news on television, you see them filled with criminal activity including muggings, robberies, school shootings, home invasions, etc. If this is not enough to scare you, then the general state of the world should. Terrorism, civil unrest, murder, these things have Read More
Should You Carry a Concealed Weapon?

Should You Carry a Concealed Weapon?
We often watch the nightly news and see yet another public shooting where a bunch of people were killed or wounded when a person decided to shoot up a McDonalds, a movie theater or a concert and we think to ourselves: if someone had a concealed weapon permit and had been carrying, things would have Read More
How to Choose the Right Survival Knife for YOU!

How to Choose the Right Survival Knife for YOU!
I carry a knife with me almost everywhere I go, and I have a variety of knives that I like. In the military and as an agent I always had a knife with me, sometimes more than one. The Air Force actually issued me the knife shown below. Read More
The Realities of Carrying and Using Self Defense Weapons
The Realities of Carrying and Using Self Defense Weapons
Let’s Get Started If you follow Fightfast, you probably have some questions about carrying and using self-defense weapons. Are they legal? Should I carry one? Do they really work? How do I know which one is really best for me? The fact of the matter is that there really are no one-size-fits-all answers to these Read More
Jim West Will Be Here To Talk About Knives
Jim West Will Be Here To Talk About Knives
Hey, FightFast Hotlist: Our good friend Jim West (official U.S. Special Forces badass) is going to be here in the FightFast studios on August 22 through the 24th. This is going to be fun and instructive as he’ll be fielding questions from our hotlist. We’re concentrating on knives and defending yourself with a blade, but Read More
Improvised Weapons In A Knife Fight
Improvised Weapons In A Knife Fight
Thousands of assault cases in the US every year involve a deadly weapon. Chances are, if you are attacked, it WILL be with some sort of weapon, too. Counter that with your own. If you aren’t one for carrying a knife or gun, then your keys, cell phone, chap-stick, or whatever is in your pocket Read More